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Curious, creative, & careful.
🧾 links: sheshallconquer.dev | @villageidealist | SheShallConquer | Career Memoirs
If you're building the future and you're trying to figure out how to get there, I'd love to help!
As a generalist, my sweet spot is work that is interdisciplinary. My normal style is to figure out where the biggest problem is and then unpick at that like a set of tangled headphones and learn whatever is needed along the way.
Coming from a Management and Psychology background, I've followed my insatiable desire to learn deeply, create beautifully, and develop infrastructure across ed-tech, continuous improvement, product management, supply chain, and greenfield research & development. I am trying to continue the Lewinian tradition of living with the numbers and learning to love the question through research and data.
I consider myself an aspiring corporate anthropologist, investment ecologist, and data psycho-analyst. The only things I like collecting more than imaginary titles are immersive experiences, generative ideas, and inspired collaborators.
Currently, I am wrapping up the Data Science Certification on DataCamp, where I also achieved the Data Analyst Certification in Python and SQL. I've taken a tour of Web3, first as a Curator at Startupy, and now as a Cross-Over Specialist at RADAR DAO.
I've been involved in many different kinds of industries and bits of my work have stayed with me. I like big machines with small parts that need to work together, like a supply chain. I like structuring work into meaningful products and components to enable progress, like agile products. I believe in constantly learning and synthesizing big complex thoughts to empower people, like education.